Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Painting tips and Cricket

Today was very much an at-home day, other than a brief visit to Spar, where I finally bought mince. Also bought some brown bread for a change, but it’s definitely not as tasty as white. Supper was spaghetti bolognaise, with two batches extra to freeze. What a relief to have mince again. I cleaned up the whole downstairs window, scraping off the masking tape and then using turps to get the sticky bits away. It took about two hours to do that, but the turps worked well. A note to all would-be DIY homemakers - if you use masking tape on your windows and they get a lot of sun, take off the tape as soon as possible after painting. Leaving it there for two months while your country has a paint shortage is not a good idea.

My dad sent a very descriptive e-mail about yesterday’s very exciting SA/Aus ODI cricket match. We wish we could have seen it!! Congratulations to the Australian side on their record number of runs, but bigger congratulations to our home team for beating it and making such a history for themselves. Can imagine the excitement back home.

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