Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fool!

The first item on the news this morning was that the Wirebird, St Helena’s national bird, is actually not called the Wirebird, but its original name has been mispronounced for many years due to the way that Saints pronounce their w’s and v’s, swapping them around. This phonetic oddity causes ‘towel’ for example, to be ‘tovel’, and ‘Vilma’, ‘Wilma’. The Wirebird, then, was actually originally called the “Viabird”, named because of the indirect way in which it gets from one place to another. :-)

Because it was April Fool’s Day today, the boys wanted to do something special in school. I agreed that we could skip Maths and rather watch some Mathtacular, which they love and I’m sure they learn a lot from it. Perhaps we should have more days of missed maths, but I’m afraid that we might run out of school days before we run out of worksheets then!

In Bible Study, Nick’s been dealing with the portions in 1 Peter about elders and leaders and that, and it’s been very interesting to hear people’s opinions on matters pertaining to the pastor, and their expectations. We had a power cut (very unusual for us) from about 6.45 until 8.15 during the evening. We managed fine though with candles and torches for the worship time and half the teaching, but it would have been very difficult to do the tea without light!

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