Saturday, October 03, 2009

Up in the clouds

The waiting is over…the mystery can be revealed…it’s official…Nick has been called to pastor the Marchwiel Reformed Baptist Church (hereinafter referred to as MRBC) in Timaru, New Zealand. We are all hugely excited! Our plan, Lord willing, is to leave here toward the end of December, spend a month in SA with family and friends, then fly out to our new home at the beginning of February. We give our gracious Heavenly Father thanks and praise for leading both us and the body of believers in Marchwiel in reaching this decision. Wooooohoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Above: "Nick gets the call".


The Williamsons said...


Genevieve said...

OK for those us so far away - was this the REAL moment or did you have to stage the shot with the phone? ha,ha,ha