Monday, October 26, 2009


Our morning was spent in the usual way, and Nick managed to slip in these two photo shoots between services. Directly below is Edith Isaacs who is nearly 90, and faithfully gets a lift with Nick every week to services.In the afternoon we had our monthly visit to the CCC. The old folk really look forward to our visit and this is something practical we can do for them. On our way home from the CCC we saw that an ice-cream stand was operating at the Longwood Green, so we stopped off for ice-creams with flakes (not quite the variety that you might find at Bonkey’s!). Super yummy, but what a mess – even I couldn’t keep the melted bits from dripping onto the grass.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

Look how nicely the ladies posed for 'Pasta'!

Ice cream on Longwood Green? Did the truck that parked by the police station travel up there?
Yes we often wonder what a stir we could cause if we opened a branch of Bonkey's on SH! (if, of course, by some miracle we got whole milk)