Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jayden and a Tern at Sandy Bay

Nick had an afternoon visit planned at Sandy Bay but felt it would be better to do this one alone. It was a beautiful day in Piccolo so Nick suggested that the boys and I go to the Sandy Bay beach while he was visiting. The boys had been playing with Jayden most of the morning so we invited her along too – she had not been to Sandy Bay since she was a baby! The three of them had a blast in nature’s playground, and when Nick came back they were allowed to paddle in the waves as well. I wandered along the rocks a short way and came upon a tern, nestled on the rocks. It looked like a juvenile fairy tern but the red feet said otherwise – perhaps a sooty tern? It seemed to be fully grown but was very weak and could not balance or stand and we felt it best to leave it be rather than bringing it home and watching it die slowly. I felt sad but there was really very little we could do for it.


Genevieve said...

You all are the bird rescuers, are you not? So sorry there was nothing you could do this time.
So happy to see that Jayden had a day all the way down at Sandy Bay! My! She must have felt like she had gone to the end of the world. said...

Great shots !...

Ciao form Italy