Saturday, June 27, 2009

More of Longwood

I phoned Nick tonight after not having spoken to him since Thursday morning. His first words were “You won’t believe what just happened” – and he didn’t sound too happy. He has thrown his back out again. It’s not as bad as the time that he was completely immobilized – he still managed to drive himself to the Ascension Hospital for a voltarin injection, and will have to rest it until his next service tonight. Dear me, I am so upset to think of him in pain and there’s nothing I can do about it. On the up side, he said that there were a few more people in the service on Thursday night, but I didn’t get a number. We didn’t chat for long, but the bottom line is that we are missing each other dreadfully, and as much as we don’t want to wish away this ministry opportunity on Ascension, we both want him home!

The rest of Saturday proceeded in its Saturdayish way – I did the message in Good News Club which was “how much does it cost” – the answer being nothing and everything. I spoke about the cost of popularity, fancy lifestyle, giving up things like family etc. During the free time a few of the boys got hold of some hibiscus flowers and paraded around like girls. Pam visited in the afternoon for some scrapping......and photography – the day was too good to waste indoors. We did a circular route, first crossing quickly over the golf course (there were a few golfers about…FORE!!) to the road behind it, then down around the back of Napoleon’s house and home along the regular route we would drive.

1 comment:

Elspeth said...

I love your photo of the green door and "kappertjies".