Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A day of crafting is not so relaxing after all

It’s been a long day! My legs are feeling twitchy from sitting still for so long. I got out all my beads this morning and dedicated the day to replenishing my stocks, which are drastically low after a lot of things went onto the RMS. The boys mucked around at home during the morning, waiting for time to pass until it was time for them to go to Tammy’s house. Tammy and Gavin kindly took them out to town with them and Harley and Katie, where they had lunch (since the boys had already had theirs at home they only had a few chips and some juice) and went to the library. They were planning on going to the museum but it was closed, so instead they drove to Plantation House, and then dropped the boys back here at about 3.30. That gave me a big chunk of peace and quiet! Once the boys were back they were still fairly well occupied with Tom and Sappho, and I’m happy to say that the sun came out so it felt bright and cheerful after a very grey and cold morning. I went for a quick walk outside, going across the golf course to the road on the other side. I just wanted to be outdoors for a while. This then, is our Longwood:


The Williamsons said...

Longwood how I miss thee!

Genevieve said...

Longwood! (sob, sob) You capture it beautifully! (more crying...)