Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Mom's helpers

The boys tried their hand at ironing this afternoon. The ironing board is at chest height for Aaron so he gave up pretty quickly, but Caleb managed to successfully iron at least two shirts before tiring of it. I figure I’d better get them used to the idea that they’ll be ironing their own clothes as a rule not too many years from now! Nick and Aaron took a quick walk to the Longwood store while I was making supper. I love this photo by Nick – I feel motion sick if I look at it too long.


The Williamsons said...

Good for them! Pap does a good bit of ironing too.

That photograph of Aaron on the spin thing is fantastic!

Nils said...

Run boys, run, before it's too late. Ironing is deceptively difficult. It's a black whole in which time is warped so that it feels neverending when you're busy and once you're finished, you realise just how many precious hours have been sucked from your life that you'll never have again.

I think whoever invented the crease down chinos should be made to sit in a room and iron them, over and over again. Truly of the many people I am thankful for, the maid, who unfortunately only comes every 2nd week, ranks among the highest.

Gotta smile at the board being chest height, I have exactly the opposite problem, but any excuse will do right?

Word of advice, I reckon it's no so much getting them used to ironing shirts, so much as getting used to picking clothes that need very little to no ironing... Now Jeans... Jeans I can live with.

Genevieve said...

So the Clevely boys are earning their keep.

I solved the ironing issue several years myself - I almost never do it.

I haven't learned to use the "motion" setting yet as jewelry does not often move its own.

The Merry go round photo is wonderful Nick!