Thursday, February 05, 2009

Teutonic Hall

When our somewhat painful day of school was over, Nick asked if I’d like to do anything, as again he had a free afternoon, his guitar pupil being sick. We discussed a few options and finally settled on visiting Teutonic Hall. This old house has a sad history – if Nick got it right, it was a hotel of sorts in the 1960s, but white ant moved in and ate the house apart. It is now an overgrown ruin filled with rubbish and broken parts of itself – it was weird going into a ruin where the paint still looked relatively fresh on the walls. A tree is growing out of an upstairs window; its roots are in the mud holding the stone walls together. The sad part is that it was left to go to ruin – I guess that by the time the owners realized what was happening they felt it was already too late. It is completely beyond hope now. Some poking around outside revealed a rusted motorbike covered over with creepers, and even a garage with a car under a tarpaulin. How very strange.

1 comment:

The Williamsons said...

Dad and I went there as well, just a few weeks after we arrived on St. Helena. It is such a sad place.