Friday, February 20, 2009

February is a popular birthday month, apparently

School this morning plodded along – it was not really one of our better days and I didn’t feel like doing it, but there wasn’t much point in giving up so we pressed on. Not that it was particularly bad either; I simply didn’t enjoy it today! I was also fed up with washing, vacuuming, and housework in general, because it seems that I clean up and everyone else messes. I very much doubt that I’m the only housewife who feels this way, and I suppose it’s comforting to know, but it still doesn’t help the clutter to evaporate! Anyway. I took the canary back to its homeland, ie the fields below Piccolo, and set it on a branch. Apart from it having an annoyingly piercing and over-utilized chirp, it just didn’t seem like a good idea to keep it as it wasn’t eating anything. We thought it would have a better chance in the wild. I saw two canaries on the reservoir fence close by, and I have no doubt that they would have heard the cry of the baby – even if it isn’t theirs. I went back to check on it a bit later and it had hopped its way deeper into the tree, looking very comfortable in its surrounds. Thus ends yet another bird story.
In the afternoon the boys and I (and Nick too, I guess, though he declined, not wishing to be the only male present) were invited to a small party for Milly, who turned 3 today. Her proper party will be on Monday coming, but Claire just had a few of us over for cupcakes and tea. It was great – the kids tried to play “Happy Birthday” on violin and two recorders and despite being greatly out of tune with each other, or tuneless in general, did a good job.

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