Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can we please come too?

Nick had the day off today as Grant preached in the morning and afternoon services - I don't think Nick knew what to do with himself in the early morning with not having the usual pre-service prep to do! After the morning service I invited ourselves around to the Phillipsies for guava tart - I like to extend the opportunity to others to practice hospitality :) They couldn't possibly turn us down and we wouldn't have taken no for an answer. We took whatever was available in our fridge for instant eating, and within about ten minutes of arriving, lunch was ready. It was rather a grand spread for such an impromptu meal; we feasted on cake, salad, fruit, bread, sausages, tart, custard and cold meat - no need for individual courses! And we were quite a merry party too - Petru's parents are visiting from SA, and Andreas and Danielle were also present (well they actually got invited like regular guests). Had a jolly good time of fellowship, mostly in Afrikaans. We just listened along carefully and laughed at the right places especially when they were talking about Apple Jews in China. Ja, swaer. (Above: Danielle, Erin-Marie, Tannie Ria and Dannica singing the grace in a round with the men).
Got home after pm church and remembered that we had run out of milk, so Nick and I took a quick walk to the BP garage (they have a regular special on milk and although it's less special than the corner cafe near the school, it's still more special than Pak'n'Save). Instructed the boys not to do anything fun while we were gone; they were jumping on the tramp when we got back. But they didn't choke, drown, poke their eyes out or set the house on fire in our absence.

1 comment:

Buckland said...

I have such fond memories of wonderful laughing sessions with the Phillipses. I can understand why you invited yourself. ;-)