Thursday, August 07, 2008

DIY school

This morning I was thinking that I should really phone Genevieve and find out how they’re doing, when the phone rang…of course from the beginning of the sentence you will already know who it was! She asked if we were free today, to which I happily replied in the affirmative, so we arranged for them to come after lunch. First we had school though, and got through all our normal goodies. I had to get to the museum during the morning to show Lucy the book, so after I hung up the washing I set the buzzer for the boys, telling them that when the buzzer rang they were to go inside and start their Maths – I had everything laid out and ready. I did what I needed to do quite quickly, and when I got home both boys had finished their Maths, except for a bit which Aaron didn’t understand and so left it out until I came home. They both looked so pleased with themselves, especially when they said that they had started even before the buzzer went off!

After school I did a bit of work on the museum book, as there are a few things I’m not happy with, now that I see it in print. I got through a couple of things before our visitors arrived, and from then it was a wonderful afternoon of chatting. The boys got on with themselves, doing a bit of this and that. When it was time to go, Caleb and Aaron ran to the car with Ben and Sam, and as usual, they climbed in. Genevieve and I decided to play a little trick, as she needed to go down the road to turn around anyway – so we left my boys in the car and off she went! Aaron got a bit worried…“I want to go home”!

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