Sunday, March 09, 2008

Saturday stuff

A light drizzle is falling, as it has been off and on for a large part of the day. Drizzle isn’t really the right word, actually – more like a mist spitting from the sky. It’s been hot and sticky again, despite the precipitation, or perhaps due to it! It’s been the fairly usual Saturday, but not bad at all. I whipped up some invitations for the girls for the next pyjama party, which will be this coming Friday night, so finished those off quickly this morning so I could hand them out after GNC. Nick (my Nick) did the teaching this morning, about the different religions on the island, and it was really very good and informative. The warning was “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, essentially a summary of last Sunday’s sermon. After the club we went to town, primarily because the boys wanted to each buy a fly gun with their pocket money. It’s such a great little device, which works better as a toy than an actual fly-killing gadget, I’m convinced!

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