Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

The governor preached our Easter Sunday service today, and Jean played the organ, leaving Nick free of responsibility for the day, other than setting things up for the fellowship tea. Earlier in the week, I offered to do a children’s talk, which the Govnr. okayed, which went off well today. I drew three meanings from the easter egg – that when we eat an egg, we first break it, which reminds us about Jesus’ broken body; that the egg is empty (hollow) inside, reminding us of the empty tomb; and a real egg will produce a chick, reminding us of the new life we can have in Christ, because of his death and resurrection. I was nervous to do it, but the Spirit helped me. The fellowship tea afterwards was nice – good food as always. Jennifer provided two trays laden with mince-filled ‘vetkoek’ – die egte Suid Afrikaanse ding! They went down like a ton of bricks. Nick ate about 20, he says! The clean-up afterwards went well with lots of people helping, some in the kitchen and some in the schoolroom. It will be a relief to have the kitchenette installed, where everything can be done there and then, and the Pastor’s Wife won’t always bear the oversight of the tea!

Nick didn’t have a band practice yesterday afternoon, so instead he went on to the mountain to continue with what he started yesterday, which is building up a thick stone wall, to act as a barrier in the event of rockfalls. I don’t know how effective it would be, as rocks coming down tend to bounce, but it’s something anyway. I tried to do a bit of scrapping, but am currently without inspiration for the next museum page. Instead, I baked a batch of cheese scones which were pretty good, especially hot out of the oven.

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