Monday, November 23, 2009

Early carolling

I’m getting to the point now where I want to utilize whatever groceries I have in the cupboards. Nick is convinced that we don’t need Cremora (coffee whitener for you non-South Africans) in our coffee anymore, leaving me with a nearly full jar of it…best used in a decadent cheesecake-like tart which the boys helped me make during the morning. The afternoon’s activities included a Christmas carol sing-song at the old age home for which Pam was ultra-prepared with a folder full of carols and sheet music. Tricky to follow the chords and lyrics from sheet music though so we seriously ad-libbed, accidentally singing verses to the tune of the chorus (that bit was my fault), throwing in spontaneous solos and duets, trilling impossibly high descants, and ending off each song with a ‘musicians-only-grin’ knowing how many mistakes we had made. The folks loved whatever we did though and applauded between the songs which weren’t on their song sheets.

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