Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Get me back to school!

If I were to say that school holidays are not enjoyable, especially the first day, I’m sure I would have some feedback from other homeschoolers along the lines that I should be finding meaningful ways for the boys to occupy their time. And truly, I know I should. But when it comes time for the holidays, I’d honestly love to ship them off to visit their grandparents, if for nothing more than not to have to hear their giggling over a new form of silliness discovered or their bickering over who gets to sit in the spinning chair, or the thousand times a day I am asked what the time is, with reference to ‘when’s the next food coming’. I realize that I’m opening myself up for criticism here and yes, it would be deserved – but where’s the holiday for the frazzled mom who never gets a break? Okay, let’s hope this is just first-day-of-holiday melodrama. Tomorrow will be better. I’m sure of it.

Grey skies today, with the Barn coming and going, and Flagstaff losing its tip. I wandered around Piccolo briefly looking for inspiring subjects and came across a beautiful poinsettia bush in bloom around the front (back?) of one of the units. I had no idea it was there!

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

Yes...I've been wondering...when do moms get a day off?
Lovely photos! The Barn shot grabbed us as it was our view too.