I’ve been praying for opportunities to speak to people about Jesus, and the Lord answered my prayer today on quite a large scale – live, on the radio!! Tammy Williams hosts a weekly Christian show, and she phoned me on Tuesday to invite me to join her in the studio, as she was going to be discussing the topic of stress. I’m no expert on the matter, in fact I don’t really know much about it at all, but Tammy also managed to get my beading buddy Lorna on the show, as well as Lorna’s daughter who is here on holiday, and has just completed a masters’ in clinical psychology. We had a really great time in the studio, chatting and laughing between songs. The topic of stress turned into more of a discussion of depression, and I shared personal experiences of how I deal with it, obviously from a spiritual point of view. The Lord gave me the words to speak and boldness to speak them, and it was so exciting! Lorna and her daughter gave some excellent advice about how to handle depression, from a practical point of view. Tammy also asked me to bring some of my music in, so it was great to listen to the show afterwards (Nick taped it), to hear my favourite music playing!
We’ve had the most wonderful weather today – I almost wondered if we had finished with winter, skipped spring, and launched straight into summer! Plenty of sunshine and warm breezes. We were at the Coffee Shop in the morning for our Thursday appointment with Elza. Cindy and the girls joined us too. We finished off at 12ish, then I went to the museum to take some photos – permitted without the flash. Elza had her camera, so the two of us went around snapping away like Japanese tourists in Disneyland. The boys found the museum quite interesting this time around, and wandered around looking at all the displays, especially the swords.