Thursday, November 02, 2006

Windy day and toilet hay

The wind blew gales today, and we had rain too. I wore jeans and a jersey all day! Two military ships arrived this morning, bringing 300+ crew members to the island for the day. It was nice to see them in town – you could spot them with one blind eye and a cataract. It was a Royal Navy ship, with mostly British crew. I had coffee with Emma this afternoon at the Coffee Shop. It was peculiar being at the coffee shop, with its very outdoor set up, in today’s weather. Bill dried off a bench and table for us where we would be the most protected from the weather, which was the table closest to the main entrance, because we were slightly sheltered by some bushes. Still, the table nearly blew over and you had to be sure to spear a piece of cake on your fork, otherwise it would have blown away.

The boys were looking at a library book today about the middle ages, and I haven’t seen the book yet, but there must have been a picture of a toilet, and apparently the person was using hay to clean himself. The boys coined the phrase “toilet hay” which sent them into hysterics every time they said it. I’m not a big one for toilet humour, but this was quite funny. Which reminds me of another little story. I cut my finger the other day on my craft blade, and a spot of blood appeared so I just quickly sucked it off before dabbing some toilet paper (not hay) on it. The boys were appalled and amazed, never having seen someone actually do that with blood. A few days later, we caught a mouse in the pantry, but the poor thing got caught in such a way that it bled (instant death, I’m sure, but there was internal bleeding). There was some blood on the pantry floor, so Caleb, very seriously, offered for me to lick it up. “There you go, there’s some blood for you”. What am I now, a vampire?

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