Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rounding off a very Kempf weekend

Had an interesting Sunday School lesson this morning as I didn't have access to my material in Luke (ahem Grant), but had a back-up plan of some activity sheets which I had been given a few weeks ago on the topic of alcohol and substance abuse. It led to a good discussion on the biblical view on drinking which I shall not elaborate on here. Grant was preaching in both services today and the messages were good, on discipleship: taking up one's cross, denying oneself and following Christ. For lunch we were invited to Shirley, along with Miriam and the boys so we were a good crowd around the table and tucked into the homegrown potatoes, kumaras, beans, tomatoes, pumpkin (I made the boys have a small piece...turns out they are not allergic like Nick is and there was no gagging and the teeth were not overly long) and pork. Pudding - homegrown raspberries in a hot sauce over ice-cream. Yum! Caleb and Aaron were happy to play with Peter and Harry, but things got even more exciting with the arrival of the Kempfs (that would be the Rene and Bron variety) with Sam and Hannah thrown into the mix. All in all a great afternoon, especially with sunshine streaming in through the windows from an almost cloudless sky. Home long enough for the boys to pick their clothes up off the floor and start writing lines (yes, on a Sunday) before heading back for the afternoon service.After church we came back home - I was knackered and the boys needed to finish their penalty lines. Got the fire going, had a variety tea, watched a few short episodes of the Penguins of Madagascar with the boys, then Nick skyped. He is doing well, has had his last meetings today and all went well. He leaves tomorrow morning for the airport and his flights home (let's hope Air New Zealand can still navigate through the ash cloud). He overnights in Christchurch tomorrow night and buses home on Tuesday. So we're nearly done!

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