Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Red skies at dawn (sailors be warned)

Every cloud has a silver lining, they say...in our case, the cloudy cold days often produce spectacular sunrises and -sets and interesting effects in the skies. These two shots are from our kitchen window on two different evenings; the sky in the second pic had been blanketed all day by thick cloud which just didn't quite touch the horizon, like an ill-fitting lid which leaked light in - particularly amazing when the sun sank low enough to peep through the edges. Next is this evening's sunset from our back yard, followed by this morning's sunrise from the bedroom window - we are truly blessed with magnificent skies sometimes and I wondered if God had originally planned, as part of His creation, skies that would fill with colour and beauty just for our pleasure! Between admiring the skies I was also putting together a quick and easy mince and pasta meal for our guests...meet Graham and Liz Gregory who we have met through the tangled grapevine of a small town - blogs and same building employment and scrapbook shop visits and so on. Had a most excellent time with them with many common interests to keep the conversation flowing, not the least of which was reformed theology! Hope that this is the beginning of a long friendship...certainly we are all properly connected now as FB buddies :)I also spent a large chunk of the day photographing stone tiles and fixtures, leaving Nick in charge of the boys at home. The boys resurrected their bikes from the garage and pedalled around the suburb; Nick also set them to work stacking wood for the potbelly.


Buckland said...

The heavens declare the glory of God. So beautiful.

Helen Williams said...

Stunning skies.
An evening with Liz and Graham how fun.