Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Empty inbox

We have spent the last two days almost exclusively at home, hovering close to our Yahoo. Still no word on the visas - feeling a bit stuck in South Africa now as the holiday feeling starts wearing off. Surely we will be visa'd any day now.Took ourselves off to Al and Kate's place this afternoon at Kate's invite for a swim; much needed in this hot weather. I have been fascinated by the variety of birdlife around my parents' complex - there are birds that I don't recall ever seeing in SA, and certainly birds far larger than anything we saw on the island. Their spindly twig-legs look like they could be snapped like toothpicks - but do they ever run fast on those things!
This friendly cat posed obligingly...

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

I am sorry you are still waiting but at least you are there, surrounded by family and friends, with things to do and swimming pools to swim in.