Monday, September 07, 2009

Sweet fellowship

Since we had a combined service today in the afternoon, Nick was home during the morning. We had a lunch arrangement so I had no responsibilities during the morning – we had a really chilled morning together, so unusual for a Sunday! We left around 12.15 for Tammy’s place but had not realized that it was going to be such a big family affair, with all manner of extended family in attendance. Felt a bit foolish at having arrived empty-handed! No matter though, there was food in abundance – a true Saint BBQ where everyone brings salads and puddings and things. We managed to fit in a quick lunch before leaving for church, which was at Sandy Bay. The message was excellent, on ‘Getting with God’ – bringing out from Acts 20:13 how Paul took a 20-mile hike overland while his companions went ahead by ship, for the sole purpose of spending time in prayer before his certain arrest and anticipated trials – I told Nick afterwards that I thought it was ‘rousing’; he misheard and thought I said it was lousy! After chatting to a few people we headed back to Tammy’s place for pudding and coffee. The rest of the afternoon was wonderful, with warm Christian fellowship – many of Tammy’s family attend the SDA church. As it started getting a bit chilly we headed indoors and Nick pulled out the guitar – we had a bit of a sing-song, with people coming and going as they pleased. Then Trevor, Tammy’s dad, got Tammy’s 86-year-old gran and her sister, the two matriarchs of the family, to talk about the old days. There followed a lot of laughter as these two old sisters recalled their childhoods, and some tears as Tammy’s aunt gave a farewell address before she leaves on the ship next weekend to return to the States. We left with everyone else just after 7 pm.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

Sounds like a really lovely day!
I would love to have heard the sisters talk about "before days"...most of which has never made it to any history book.