Monday, July 30, 2007

Of Mice and Melon

We finally killed our little pet mouse. It was a messy death although instantaneous – lots of blood on the trap. We’ve been growing melons in the back garden for a couple of months, and finally we saw a little one growing. The boys saw it too, and picked it to show me. Grr! We expressed our disappointment, but I guess they didn’t know it wasn’t ready and wouldn’t continue growing off the vine! It was perfect too – no goggos had infected it. We had an evening out with some South African friends, visiting at their place for supper. We hardly saw the kids, as they just got on with playing and games and fun. Our boys and their girls really get on well.

The ship came in at 8 am this morning, with some friends on board who were back from holidays. I wanted to see them all, so the boys and I walked down to the docks after breakfast, and waited and waited and waited. Saw them all briefly, just to welcome them back and say hello, and then we walked home again, stopping at Thorpes on the way up for fortifications – they are open one Sunday morning a month.

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