Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nick in the chair

Nick had a tooth extracted this afternoon, and what should have been a fairly simple, in-the-chair extraction, turned into a two-hour long in-the-chair surgery. It was a root-filled tooth that was no good, so was very brittle and kept breaking when the dentist tried to yank on it, and then it had two roots as well, so was extra difficult to get out. He had to cut the gums on both sides of the tooth to be able to get a grip. Nick is feeling the pain now as the anaesthetic is wearing off – we’ve even cancelled the bible studies!

I finished two more pages for the museum scrapbook, so took them to show Lucy, the curator. I may have a bit of an issue developing with one page though, in that I took out the wording from the text which said that the island is 14 million years old, and that the volcanic eruptions which created the island ended 7 million years ago. I simply don’t believe in an old earth. The Bible gives credibility to the fact that the earth is only about 6 thousand years old, particularly according to the genealogies, and considering the radical changes in the earth during and after the flood. Because of that, I can’t lie and put in a statement to the effect of an old earth in the book – I don’t want to be associated with that! I ran it by Lucy though, who has taken it to the heritage society for approval. Hopefully they will okay the fact that the age has been excluded, because if they insist on it being included, I’m going to have to pull out of the project. Although it’s not an issue to die for, and doesn’t conflict with any salvivic issues or doctrines, it’s still my conviction. I have to go with my conscience!

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