Sunday, February 03, 2008

Coke diet

It was my turn to do the GNC teaching today, so went over my notes again this morning while Nick was at prayer meeting. I’m using a book now which I bought at the Augustine Bookroom, which is a huge help – I don’t actually have to do much groundwork preparation now, simply familiarise myself with the teaching! It’s set in the first four chapters of Luke, and very nice and easy to understand. I bought it in quite a hurry, so hadn’t really looked at it properly, but I can see now that it will work well for GNC. The club itself was okay, although all the boys are just so rambunctious and boisterous, so Nick has to keep threatening them with “no games” during the worship part to get them to behave. I questioned one of the boys as to his eating patterns before he comes to the club, as he is completely hyperactive and bouncing off the walls, and he said he had no breakfast, and nothing to eat, just a coke! Go figure!! I wonder if his parents realize what the effect of this is, apart from his black, misshapen teeth? I told him next week to have breakfast and no fizzy juice and he said “okay”. We’ll see. I took Caleb up to the hospital in the afternoon, for an annual checkup – apparently all the bespectacled children have a yearly appointment with the optometrist, although the hospital slipped up in letting me know of this fact, so good thing Scilla phoned to swap the time! Caleb’s eyes have not worsened during the year – his current glasses are still right for him.

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