Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bayhead hike

Nick and I went for our morning walk together, as is becoming customary, and we even jog part of it. We took the usual route, past the back of the Rose and Crown and up the hill, but instead of going all the way up the path that would take us to Jacob’s Ladder, we got directly on to the mountain via a slightly lower path, which brings us to J’s L slightly lower down, where there is no access point. We had to just climb across the cemented section on the side to get safely back on the steps. Having done that though, Nick wanted to see what was on the other side, as the path continued around the bay head. So, off the ladder again, across the threshold – Nick helped me across as I’m pretty useless with inclines – and over the other side along a path around the side of the mountain. It was really exciting, actually, as we’ve never walked that particular bit before. We came very close to some fairy terns’ nesting spot, so they were hovering really close to us, definitely closer than I’ve seen them before, and eyeing us out all the time. The path continued around the corner, and led to some sort of battlement or fortification, which Nick went to explore while I stayed and looked at the terns. We had a lovely view over the harbour and a bit of town. I wish I had taken the camera, but of course wasn’t expecting that I would need it!

A recommended DVD, and unusual find in a shop here: “Beyond the Gates of Splendour” which is the Jim and Elisabeth Elliott story, and is excellent. It is more of a documentary than a movie, with actual footage and photos from the 1950s, and interviews with Elisabeth and the four other ladies whose husbands were killed. It is extremely moving, very good to watch.

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