It’s a good thing that we’re on school holiday, because I’m sure I wouldn’t have had time for school today! I started the day with grocery shopping just after 9 am, but first had to go to the bank and post office. There was a letter for me in the post from Mrs Collins, my old German teacher! Lovely to hear from her. It’s always nice receiving things in the actual post, although e-mails are great too. Then I started on the actual shopping, first at Spar, then at Thorpes. I had parked just outside Thorpes, so it was easy to get the milk from the wholesalers, and carry all the parcels in one go. I left the car there and walked around to Queen Mary’s for some more things on my list, then Tinkers for the cold stuff, although I only procured frozen veggies from there. Anyway, was just walking back to the car when I spotted Elsa, who returned from holiday in SA yesterday. As it turns out, she was on a mission to find me…she stopped by the house, and Nick of course told her that I was out shopping, so she asked Nick if she could take me out for coffee if she found me. Then she went from shop to shop asking if anyone had seen me…isn’t that nice? Since I was finished with my shopping, I was delighted to accept an invitation to the Coffee Co, where she treated me to a chocolate milkshake. It was wonderful to catch up with her and hear all about their holiday. We had a wonderful time chatting, but at about 11.45 I had to get going because I needed bread from Spar still, and then to get home to feed the starving flock. After lunch I headed off to Lorna for our usual beading. Today I started making lemonade from the lemons I have left…I have a lot of very little beads, in all shapes and colours, so have started making bag dangles, which I think will sell nicely with the girls. I got home from Lorna just after 3 pm, after stopping off at the HTH Spar for fish, and then since Nick’s guitar pupils had cancelled due to their driveway being flooded (heavy rains this morning, briefly, followed by an excessively hot day), I suggested that we go to the docks and see if there was a box for us, which we were expecting, from Scilla, containing photocopier toners and paper and cardboard for the holiday club. The box was there, which we were very happy about…we haven’t had bulletins since the end of last year! Got home and unpacked that, sat around for approximately five minutes, and then went swimming, all of us. The water was lovely and it was great to be in the pool. Some of the girls from GNC were there, and Callum too. Home at 4.45, then I had to get supper going, which was a tuna curry, except with only about a quarter teaspoon of curry so you couldn’t even detect it. I enjoyed it, but I think I stood alone there! I finally had a chance to unpack the groceries while the stew was simmering…
I had an opportunity to chat to a friend about the Lord today, which was sparked off by me asking if she wouldn’t mind not taking His name in vain all the time. It grates me to hear the constant blasphemy. She was quite taken aback and said she meant it more as a prayer, which was a good springboard for me to question her a bit further. Why do people think that God owes them something – she felt that God had let her down over the last years and so is on the fence as far as ‘religion’ goes. The fact is that we can count our blessings that God shows us any mercy at all and doesn’t simply stamp us out, being so wickedly sinful!