There is some exciting progress with St Helena - they called Nick as their pastor! Well, of course we accepted the call, and are very excited about it!
The question then was, when to go. After exploring our options, we decided that we really need to do all in our power to be on the ship sailing on 29th September. Of course, our power is pretty feeble, so we are really doing all we can and then trusting in the Lord’s power. We believe He can work miracles with home affairs, tax people, and so on, and are excited to see how he will work. At this present moment, we have reserved berths for the end of next month. Nick and Aaron do not have passports, we do not have tax clearance, or police clearance, or a work permit. We have our entire household to dismantle, sell off, store, or pack to go. Is this a bit foolish, to arrange an emigration in about five weeks? Yes. Would we recommend it? No ways, uh uh. But are we excited to see how God will open doors? Oh yes! God’s hand is in the little things.
So, Lord willing, we fly to Cape Town on 29 September, then embark the RMS St Helena at 14h00, departing at around 18h00. We sail up the coast of Africa to Walvis Bay, then from there across to the island. I believe we will be on the ship seven days. (We have bought anti-nausea medicine already, just to be safe). I don’t think it has actually sunk in (oh no, that’s not a good pun) that we will be leaving the country for a few years, and leaving behind all our friends and family that are so dear to us, and everything that is familiar and comfortable. We did receive a full inventory of the manse, which is apparently large, and are especially looking forward to becoming acquainted with the pink nylon bedspreads and the 24 chairs in the diningroom…
Well, with that big news out of the way, the rest of our happenings are pretty lame, but I’ll fill you in anyway.
We spent a marvellous weekend in Mooiriver in July, ministering to the youth, church and local boarding school (Treverton College). Lynn unfortunately completely lost her voice, so it was frustrating for her. Nevertheless, we had a blessed time away. We were able to spend time together as a family on Saturday morning, so took a drive in the scenic Magalies Meander to a place called “The Junction” – an artsy kind of grouping of shops. The boys had fun playing on the jungle gyms and racing bikes around a little track, as well as dipping candles.
Last weekend Nick and I went on the POWER camp (the boys were babysat) – this is the RBA Youth from around the Gauteng area. There were about 70 kids in all. What a fantastic weekend of ministry and sport! Paul Colyer from Church of England in Port Elizabeth was our speaker, and delivered a powerful gospel message. Our team, the Jolly Orangers, was the winning team, so we were particularly pleased. It was totally exhausting; the organisers make sure the camp is packed with activities so that the kids are too tired to get up to any mischief.
On Monday we are going away for a mid-week break to a resort quite close to home. Looking forward to a break from the stress and such. Fortunately we are close enough to town to be able to continue the paper chase.