Saturday, April 18, 2009


Happy birthday to you! Aaron graciously woke Caleb up early this morning to whisper the greeting, being far more excited about birthdays and parties than the birthday boy himself. The morning passed by in the usual manner, with much to be done when we got home from Good News Club. While I was busy in the kitchen, Nick went out to collect the jumping castle. Tom was here early to share in the excitement, so he and Caleb and Aaron got the first jump – what a great way of entertaining kids! The afternoon was very good. Pam and Geoff swung by to help us maintain our sanity, although the kids pretty much did their own thing. I had some drawing stuff available inside, but mostly they were on the jumping castle all the time (we’re not looking forward to the results of the afternoon on our electricity bill). The parents, meanwhile, had been at the Queen’s Birthday Party at Plantation House (we were invited too but had to send our regrets in lieu of a party where the honoured guest was present :-) ). They arrived back here around the ending time of our party, but by then we had put on a DVD for the kids, so the adults stayed for a cup of tea and finished off the birthday cake. We are especially thankful to God for answering our prayers for good weather.

(There you go, Ema - lots of photos!)

1 comment:

The Williamsons said...

Happy birthday to you Caleb!
It reminds me of another birthday held in Piccolo...