Sunday, February 08, 2009

Not Ruperts again?!

Nick has had the day off today – it’s a Lay Preachers’ Sunday, and he was able to completely bypass the morning services. Usually even when he’s not preaching he needs to go and do the music, but today his services were not required. We spent the morning at home, other than a quick walk to the shops for supplies for our BBQ, then headed off to Ruperts for the afternoon. First though, he had to stop at the church in town to show the parliamentary people around the damaged buildings – this has to do with the rock stabilisation project. While he was busy I drove around the island running errands – dropping off and collecting things. Eventually we were all ready to go – we had picked Scilla up as well, so she spent the afternoon with us which was great. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to our outing though – the location is my least favourite spot on the island, being rocky, unshady and ugly. Nick is very keen on ocean swimming at the moment though, so our plans had to include the sea. But when we arrived I nearly squealed with delight at the empty beach – there was one other car there and all the shade coverings / BBQ areas were available for us to choose from. This was a big factor in my equation and made the day for me. We set up camp under cover; Pam, Geoff and Maddy had followed us from town, and Rob, Claire and family and Sappho arrived shortly after we had the fire going. Phil and DT also popped on during the afternoon, so we were quite a good group.

The kids all had a great time playing on the rocks, exploring, and just being together – they are a good combination and all enjoy one another’s company.

Nick’s guitar pupil, Gareth, also came for a visit and he and Nick played guitar for a while. At about 3.30 I took Scilla home, and when I returned Nick was in the sea with Geoff and Maddy – always the die-hards. Since it had been drizzling off and on, and the skies were grey, I didn’t feel at all inclined to swim despite having actually worn swimming gear all day and feeling like I might brave the Atlantic Ocean. Maybe next time.

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