Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Iced over

Today was Maureen’s birthday. I baked a cake to celebrate, but once again I succeeded in flopping it. Not that it tasted bad, but it was simply a very flat cake. In taking the two rounds out of their pans the cakes broke into pieces…I was too lazy to line the tins with baking paper, so used a spatula to loosen them. No worries, I thought, I’ll just ice everything back together. I carefully laid the lower section on a plate, fitting them together as best I could like a puzzle, then spread a layer of jam over them. That done, the top bit had to go on. Hmmm, tricky, because I really just had one big piece and a lot of “large crumb” sections. I ended up just putting things where I saw gaps and pressing them down. So when it was iced it looked pretty…but all was revealed when it came time to cutting and eating it at bible study! Actually, Nick wasn’t much help there because he advertised my gastronomic disaster.

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