Sunday, August 26, 2007

Friday night club

Good News Club this morning was actually quite nice, with the kids, especially the boys, being very interactive and well-behaved during the singing. It’s working so well to threaten them with no cricket if they misbehave!

Yesterday, Elaine phoned during the afternoon to invite us to a burger evening. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned the Friday-night Club they have started up. The same kids who attend the GNC generally go. It’s only been running for about a month, by Anthony and Elaine, and at this point it’s just a games evening. I think the plan is to incorporate a spiritual message at some point. It’s a great initiative on their part though, and we’re very pleased that someone is doing something for the kids! Last night was fun. We let Caleb and Aaron join us for some of the time too, instead of sending them to bed at their usual 7 pm.

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