Friday, July 20, 2007

House mouse

We have mice in the house again, and one in particular is quite friendly. It has the run of the whole house, and when Nick was in the bathroom yesterday the mouse joined him. He somehow managed to capture it in his hand, so put a t-shirt over it and brought it out to show us all, although couldn’t just reveal it otherwise it would have jumped off his hand and run away. Instead, we emptied the boys’ big toy box and put it in there. It was a cute little thing, quite small, although I think they all are. It was as long as Nick’s thumb, excluding the tail. It kept trying to jump out of the box and almost managed – we were surprised at how high it could jump. We quickly got some food from downstairs to feed it, just to see what would happen, and it soon became accustomed to Nick’s hand in the box, even climbing onto his fingers. The boys were thrilled of course, and loved the idea of having a pet mouse. The box wasn’t suitable though, so Caleb found an old dustbin in the workshop and we got it comfortable in there, still assuring the boys that we would have to kill it eventually. The episode was short-lived though, because Aaron wanted to get a better look and so lifted out the superwipe that it was nestled in, causing the mouse to run up the cloth and jump out the dustbin, to take cover somewhere in their room. And that was the end of their pet mouse story.
I had to go to town for bread, and to my amazement, the bread is now sold pre-sliced, and the bread slicing machine has been removed from public view. What can I say – it’s the best thing since sliced …! Caleb spent the afternoon playing a game of gypsy gypsy, but got himself highly frustrated and tearful at not being able to fold up the tent on his own, and not being able to do what he wanted to do. Shame. Aaron just wandered around, ate an apple, looked for the mouse, offered his mug-finding services to me while I was washing up, and shut himself in the pantry with a torch. The things you can amuse yourself with when you’re four are quite limitless.

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