Sunday, June 24, 2007

Finally, at last, it's over

We ran a parrot-naming competition during the week – this was completely last-minute and unplanned, as on Monday morning during the warm-up I had been naming the animals but omitted the parrot, so when they asked for his name, I said he didn’t have one but they could offer names, and thus sprung up a full-blown competition. We had 62 entries, 13 of which were “Polly”, but the winning name was from Kieran, of “Lynick Do Do”. We weren’t sure if it was supposed to be an insult to Nick and me, but it was the most creative name anyway.

This morning we started at 9.30 and ran until 11, so it was a compromise between HBC and GNC. I’m not sure of the exact head count, but I think there were about 30 kids only. The program for this morning was different of course with the shorter time, so we had the opening assembly and singing, then prize-giving for perfect attendance. The story was the lesson of the sheep and goats, so for the warm up I put some Rice Krispies and some Strawberry Pops on the overhead, and then asked the kids to try separate them. Of course they didn’t know which were which, the point being that only I could separate them as only I could see them. Nick then did the actual lesson which was very good, and straight after the lesson he did something unusual, which was to get them to close their eyes and bow their heads, and then he prayed “the sinner’s prayer” with time in between each phrase for the kids to pray in their hearts if they wanted to become Christians. Nick asked that if anyone had prayed it, that they spoke to one of the leaders, but no kids spoke to us afterwards. We don’t know if there has been any fruit from the week, but we don’t know what will happen to the seeds that have been planted. The fun sheets followed the lesson as usual – every day there has been a worksheet with a variety of crosswords, word search, code words etc. Then it was juice and biscuits for everyone, followed by the craft, which was a whirlwind of paper and glue, and tricky to co-ordinate with so many kids all at once! At 11 we officially ended, but with voluntary “watersports” afterwards. Since they had so much fun on Wednesday with water, we decided to do it again today, but make it unofficial and after the lessons, because it takes so long for them to organize themselves with changing into dry clothes at the end. I didn’t venture near the schoolyard, but those who did were doused and dirty. There were wet sponges, which fall in the dust and make a lovely mess when thrown at each other.

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